Friday, August 28, 2009
::Kati Basti::
The indications for this therapy are back ache, degenerative changes, spondylytic changes of L/S spine, compressed discs, and compression of the spinal cord. After a gentle massage on the body, specially prepared warm herbal oil is poured over the lower back and retained inside an herbal paste boundary for 50 minutes. The healing properties of herbal oils used for this massage deeply cleans and enriches the blood, builds and maintains strong muscle and connective tissues and
lubricates the joints, keeping them flexible and pain free. Kativasthi alleviates lower back pain and all spinal disorders
A thick layer of cotton wool soaked with warm medicated oil is applied over the affected area. The oil is recycled periodically to make it warm. This therapy is very effective for degenerative and painful problems like Back pain, Osteo-arthritis, Spondylitis, injuries, etc. Medicated oil is applied to the head for 45 minutes in a special manner.
This therapy is used to stimulate the nerves and strengthen muscles. Njavara, a kind of paddy having medicinal properties is boiled in a medicinal decoction and the kizhi is made with this boiled njavara. The kizhi is dipped in a mixture of milk and medicinal decoction and is applied all over the body. This treatment involves application of special Njavara rice paste. The body is massaged gently with linen bags filled with Njavara rice cooked well in herbal decoction.
The treatment is useful in musculoskeletal disorders, degenerative conditions and neurological problems etc. It is a process by which the whole body or any specific part thereof is made to perspire by the application of certain medical puddings externally in the form of boluses tied up in a muslin bag. Indicated for neurological diseases, rheumatism, arthritis and emaciation of limbs for restoration of health. This therapy will provide a better physical consistency, strengthen the nerves and best of all improve overall complexion. This treatment is a boon for sports enthusiasts, as it will address pains related to the joints and sore muscles. This is a nourishing and restorative treatment that will reduce emaciation of the muscles as well as build a better immune system.
Nasyam is the instillation of herbal medicines through the nostrils. Its impacts are very diverse. It removes mucous clogs, cleans and clears the head channels, and also stimulates the brain cells and central nervous system. It is one among the five Panchakarma treatments.
It is commonly used to treat diseases like paralysis, Parkinson's disease, complex headache, acute sinusitis, diseases of the head, neck and nose, Bell's palsy,Arthritis, and cervical spondylosis.
Nasyam is also a powerful rejuvenative therapy. Extended treatments give wonderful results for good health management. It stimulates the brain cells and promotes intelligence and memory power; prevents ageing, refreshes oral cavities, and improves hair growth. The sensory organs become stronger, immunity builds up and the person becomes cheerful and brisk. Betterment of sound quality and skin texture are also the benefits of doing nasyam.
The treatment commences with the preconditioning of the person's body. This is a short oil massage of the head, face, and neck followed by brief steaming. Next, the person lies down comfortably with his neck slightly raised and head lowered. Drops of the warm medicine are poured into each of his nostrils and he is made to inhale deeply, while the other nostril is kept closed with the thumb. The whole process takes about 20 to 30 minutes and to get effective results it is continued for 7 to 14 days.
While in curative treatments, mostly a single strong dose of nasyam a day is sufficient; in wellness therapies, it could go up to 15 mild doses per day.
Renowned oils such as fortified Ksheerabala, Anuthailam, and Karpasasthyady are commonly used for the instillation. These oils are a mix of very potential healing herbs, decoctions, milk, and ghee. These include bael, vitex, myrobalan, sida, nut grass tuber, guggul, cardamom, roots of bael, cinnamon, sarasaparilla, sesame oil, goat's milk, rainwater, etc.
The sida plant has strong properties that strengthen the human nerves. Sesame oil, rich in linoleic acid, has high therapeutic benefits. Nut grass tuber, cardamom,Konch, and bael have specific properties that loosen the mucous.
The doctor may also advice the person to carry out other Ayurvedic treatments along with Nasyam. Internal herbal medicines like Kashayam (decoction), Lehyam (semi-solid), and Choornam (powder) etc. are also given as a part of the treatment.
::Netra tarpana::
This treatment aims to provide optimum rejuvenation to eyes. Dough of black gram powder is put around the eye ball in such a way that a dam like appearance is seen. Then herbal healing ghee (clarified butter oil) is put in this groove to lubricate the eye. This provides improved vision with beautiful eyes and strengthening of eye tissues.
It also helps in under eye circles if done regularly for few days.some of the other benifits are to cure,
- Burning in the eyes
- Dryness in the eyes
- Cataract Problems
- Vata diseases in the eyes
- Curved eyes
- Conjunctivitis
- Pain in the eyes
- Watering eyes
- Night blindness
- Squinting
- Myopia
Kizhi treatment is a therapy wherein heated herbs with medicated oils are tied in cloth bags; and placed on the area to be treated. This is followed by specific massages, done using the fingers or palm.This carefully planned health Program is directed towards improving vigor and vitality. It also goes a long way to tone up the skin and improve complexion i.e. it is a return to the bliss of eternal youth.This treatment is suggested for Osteoarthritis, Arthritis with swelling, Spondilosis, sports injuries etc.Persons suffering from joint pains, rheumatism, bad cholesterol, weak and underdeveloped limbs, and certain skin disorders can take an appropriate kizhi therapy.
Body massage using herbal powder is called udvarthanam. The treatment is good for diseases like diabetic neuropathy, paralysis, obesity, skincare, sciatica, indigestion and sclerosis of blood vessels. The massage activates the nerves and increases blood flow to the impaired parts of the body. Udvarthanam is also an important health preserving massage. As the massage promotes active blood flow, it revitalizes and reconditions the body, thus preserving its strength, skin texture, and natural elasticity. Fat reduction is one of the significant benefits in cases of obesity.
:: Pizhichil ::
Pizhichil is a special form of treatment which is a combination of oil massage and heat treatment. This therapy is also known as treatment for aristocrats as in the olden days the Maharajas or Kings used to have this treatment.
A gentle, synchronized massage is carried out under a constant flow of warm herbal oil. This Ayurveda treatment also involves squeezing a cloth soaked in oil over the body. During this treatment the patient is made to sit on a Ayurveda chair specially made for this purpose and the medicated oils are then applied over the head and body. Ayurveda
therapists are all the time present for the observation of the treatment and if needed at the same time the Shriodhara is also undertaken.
A cloth is tied over the forehead of the therapy taker to prevent oil from getting into the eyes. The warm, medicated oil is then poured in a continually flowing single stream, by squeezing a clean cloth dipped in oil over the body. The treatment starts and ends with the patient in a sitting position. In the duration in-between, the patient is made to lie flat while the application of Shirodhara goes on.
This Ayurveda treatment of Pizhichil has been highly valued by all our guests and produces good results in case of joint problems and muscle tension. The duration of Pizhichil is decided by the Ayurveda experts after the body constitution of the individual has been determined.
Pizhichil Treatment increases the blood circulation, nourishes muscles, nerves tissues and sexual ability. Pizhichil Ayurveda treatment is also effective for Paraplegia, Hemiplegia and general debility.
:: Snehana or Abhyanga ::
This is a gentle but firm whole body Ayurveda massage from head to toe using warm medicated oil. Oils are chosen by the Ayurveda expert according to the prakruti (psychosomatic constitution) and the illness. The Abhyanga massage uses herbal essences and choice ingredients specially put together for the individual patient by our Ayurveda expert after having diagnosed the individual body type.The ingredients for the Abhyanga body Massage are prepared together with soothing oils.
The massage is done in a soft rhythmic way with one or two persons massaging at the same time for forty five to sixty minutes. Ladies are treated by a female therapists; gentlemen by male therapists. After the
massage a steam bath or hot shower is recommended by the Ayurveda Doctors. Abhyanga massage is a deeply relaxing, rejuvenating experience as well as used as Ayurveda treatment in certain illness.
A regular Abhyanga Ayurveda Massage protects from stress, anxiety, exhaustion and Vata disorder. Abhyanga Ayurveda Massage nourishes the body, extends the life span, provides good sleep, improves the skin texture, improves the vision and provides better physical stability.
This rhythmical and deeply relaxing warm sesame oil rejuvenation treatment helps remove stagnant energy and move the "Prana" or life force to stimulate your body’s vital energy. Your nerves are soothed as you drift into a deep state of bliss and joy!
Abhyanga Ayurveda treatment is the best way to control and balance Vata in the body. Vata is the predominant entity in the sense of touch and skin is the organ of touch. Abhyanga Ayurveda Massage has been considered a traditional Ayurvedic therapy to create a sense of inner peace.
This total Ayurveda body massage with herbal oils tones up your skin and rejuvenates and strengthens all the tissues so as to achieve ideal health and longevity. Abhyanga Massage also increases primary vitality and there by increases the resistance of your body. In addition to being beneficial for your eyes. Abhyanga makes you have a sound sleep
:: swedana ::
Sweat Treatments (swedana)
Ayurveda oil massage is often followed by a herbal steam bath with specially selected medicinal herbs. This loosens the vessels and thereby helps the detoxification of the entire body system. The Swedana therapy includes many different forms of heat treatment. The heat to the body can be applied dry or damp, locally or to the whole body.
Swedana is the Ayurveda therapy for revitalising the skin. Herbal mixtures are prepared with various herbs and medicated powder. Your entire body is massaged with these specially for you made mixtures after they are warmed in medicated oils. This promotes circulation and increases perspiration of the body thus resulting the skin to eliminate the wastes and so the skin tone improves.
After the application of medicated oil, your entire body is made to perspire by the external application of medicated rice packs in the form of small bags. This ayurveda treatment vitalize your skin and makes it glow. A gentle application of warm special herbal oil is first applied to the skin. The massage of the body helps eliminate toxins from the skin's surface while the oil protects the pores from becoming too loose during the Ayurveda steam treatment. The individual therapy taker is made to perspire intensively inside a steam chamber that lets out herbal steam from aromatic herbs that promote cohesion between cells. Through this Ayurveda application the steam will open up the very small pores of the skin thereby removing all wastes. An excellent therapy for toning the skin and giving it a special long term glow
:: Shirovasthi ::
Shirovasthi is the process of retaining medicinal oil over the head with the help of a suitable cap to provide nourishment to brain cells to prevent brain cell damage.
Certain mixture of the lukewarm herbal oils which are prescribed by the Ayurveda Physician according to the individual body type are poured into a cap fitted on the head for some time per day according to the patient’s conditions for the advised period.
A cylindrical leather cap of about ten inches height and both ends open is fixed in position by means of a cloth belt two or three inches in width tied around the head and by black- gram paste used for plugging the boles and filling the gap. Suitable medicated oil heated to a bearable degree is poured with in and allowed to remain for 15 to 60 minutes.
Shirovasthi is the best treatment to cure variety of conditions like insomnia, stress, tension, and different mental conditions. In the past this therapy was prescribed only for people with mental illness.
The stress associated with modern lifestyle has created several problems and shirovasthi is redesigned as an Ayurveda therapy to cure conditions such as lack of memory, inability to concentrate, lack of willpower, etc. It is also a good therapy for general good feeling.
This treatment is highly effective for facial paralysis, dryness of nostrils, mouth and throat, severe headaches, burning sensation of head.
:: Shirodhara ::
Shirodhara is a modern purification and rejuvenating therapy based on an ancient Indian technique.
In Sanskrit language Shirodhara is composed of two words shiro + dhara. Shiro means head and Dhara means flow of warm oil on head. Sesame or another base oil is mixed with a few drops of aromatic essential oil to create the liquid. It is then warmed till a comfortable temperature is reached and the treatment begins. The exact combination of the oils depend on the body constitution and is decided and prescribed by an Ayurveda expert. The patient lies supine on a flat surface with head back and a rolled towel or pillow beneath the neck.
A stream of warm oil is poured very slowly onto the center of the forehead (the location of the "third eye") for 30 to 45 minutes followed by gentle scalp massage. The effect is indescribable.
Shirodhara treatment is done in absolute silence. It takes you to deep relaxation and in to a balanced state of rest in mind and body. Men and women alike experience it as a high-point of Panchakarma applications of Ayurveda.
Best experienced after a massage, Shirodhara is one of our most popular Ayurveda application taken by Ayurveda lovers.
This therapy is meant for 'Shodhana' (a Sanskrit term). 'Shodhana' or
purification therapy is not only meant for elimination of disease-causing toxins present in the body but also to replenish the tissues with nourishment and rejuvenate them. Rejuvenate literally means 'to make young again'.
Shirodhara is a great rejuvenating therapy that gives a healthy face and body glow. In Ayurveda, rejuvenating therapy is the golden path to attain longevity as it is aimed at the preservation of health. Ayurveda says that rasayana or rejuvenating therapy optimises the circulation of nutrients to both body and mind. Shirodhara removes the root cause of the disease and is a rejuvenating therapy at the same time as well.
Shirodhara Ayurveda therapy helps to overcome stress and its ill effects on nervous system. Shirodhara helps to relieve insomnia, stress, tension, anxiety, anger, chronic headaches, rheumatism, hypertension, asthma, hair problems and gives mental relaxation.
The Ayurvedic physician determines the number of days of the treatment for different problems after your body type according to Ayurveda has been determined. With weekly sessions, you will find relief from stress and strain from daily life. To achieve the maximum benefits from the therapy, it is advisable to follow Ayurvedic lifestyle. An Ayurvedic physician decides appropriate foods, exercise, yoga and herbal preparation to optimise the benefits after the therapy.
This results in a fantastic sense of deep relaxation and inner peace.
It works on cerebral system, helps in relining the nervous system and balancing the Prana Vayu around the head.
It improves the function of five senses, helps in insomnia, stress, anxiety, depression, hair loss, fatigue, imbalance of vata and makes one calm & fresh.
It is a purifying and rejuvenating therapy designed to eliminate tonics and mental exhaustion as well as relieve stress and any ill effects on the central nervous system.
- Vata disorders
- Insomniac
- Epilepsy
- Various mental disorder’s
- Headache, Migraine
- Hypertension
Eyes should be closed during treatment you can keep cotton on your eyes
PANCHAKARMA - An introduction
Panchakarma is a Sanskrit word that means "five actions" or "five treatments." This is a process used to clean the body of toxic materials left by disease and poor nutrition. Ayurveda says that imbalanced doshas create waste matter. This waste matter is called Ama in Ayurveda. Ama is a foul-smelling, sticky, noxious substance that needs to be evacuated from the body as thoroughly as possible.
Ayurveda Emphasizes Preventative And Healing Therapies Along With Various Methods Of Purification And Rejuvenation. Ayurveda Is More Then A Mere Healing System, It Is A Science And Art Of Appropriate Living Which Helps To Achieve Longevity. It Can Also Guide Every Individual In The Prevention Of Disease And Long Term Maintenance Of Health. To Achieve This Balanced State Of Body, Mind And Consciousness, Ayurveda Prescribes Panchakarma Therapy For The Cleansing Of Body Toxins.
Panchakarma will stick out the excess doshas (or imbalances in the dosha) along with the sticky Ama out of your system by means of the body waste evacuation channels such as sweat glands, urinary tract, intestines, etc. Panchakarma is, thus, a balancing operation. It involves daily massages and oil baths and is extremely pleasant experience. Ayurveda recommends Panchakarma as a seasonal treatment for toning your mind body system. (This is like a tune up for the car.)
Steps in Panchakarma
Panchakarma is a five-fold therapy; it is highly personalized based on the needs of the individual depending on the body type, dosha imbalances etc. Usually, only parts of the five therapies are needed.
1.Therapeutic vomiting (Vamana)
2.Purgation Therapy (Vireka, Virechan, herbal laxative therapy)
4.Nasal Administration - Nasya (herbal inhalation therapy)
5.Blood Letting (Rakta Moksha)
Purvakarma (Pretreatment)
Pre-Purification Measures for Panchakarma.
Before The Actual operation of purification begins, There is A need to prepare the body in prescribed methods to encourage the release of toxins. The two procedures are Snehana And Swedana.
Snehana (Abhyangam)is the oil massage. Oil is applied to the entire body with a particular type of massage, which helps the toxins to move towards the gastrointestinal tract. Oil message also makes the superficial and deep tissues soft and supple, thus helping to remove stress and nourish the nervous system. Snehana is given daily for three to seven days, as indicated.
Swedana is sudation or sweating and is given every day immediately following the snehana. An herbal concoction may be added to the steam to further loosen the toxins from the individual. Swedana liquefies the toxins and increases the movement of toxins into the gastro-intestinal tract.
Pradhanakarma: Main Purification Measures Of Panchkarma
Therapeutic vomiting (Vamana)
This treatment is used when there is congestion in the lungs causing repeated attacks of bronchitis, cough, cold or asthma. The objective of the therapy is to induce vomiting to get rid of the mucus causing excess kapha. A drink consisting of licorice and honey, or calamus root tea is given to the patient. (Other substances used include salt, and cardamom) Vomiting is induced by rubbing on the tongue. 4-8 vomiting is the target. After vomiting the patient will feel very comfortable; most of the congestion, wheezing and breathlessness will disappear along with the clearing of the sinus.
Therapeutic vomiting is used for cough, cold, symptoms of asthma, fever, nausea, loss of appetite, anemia, poisoning, skin diseases, diabetes, lymphatic obstruction, chronic indigestion, edema (swelling), epilepsy (between attacks), chronic sinus problems, and for repeated attacks of tonsillitis.
Purgation Therapy (Vireka, Virechan, herbal laxative therapy)
Virechan is the cleansing of the pitta and the purification of the blood toxins. Generally, it is administered three days after the Vamana treatment. If Vamana therapy is not needed, Virechan can be administered directly. Virechan cleanses the sweat glands, small intestine, colon, kidneys, stomach, liver, and spleen. A number of fine herbs are used as a laxative. These include senna, prune, bran, flaxseed husk, dandelion root, psyllium seed, cow's milk, salt, castor oil, raisins and mango juice. When taking these laxatives, it is important to adhere to restricted diet. Vireka is used for treatment of skin diseases, chronic fever, piles, abdominal tumors, worms, gout, jaundice, gastrointestinal problems, constipation, and irritable bowel syndrome.
Medicated enemas are used for various specific reasons. In general, this treatment is used to flush the loosened doshas out through the intestinal tract. There are over 100 specific enemas listed in Ayurveda.
Basti involves introducing medicinal substances such as sesame oil, calamus oil, or other herbal decoctions in a liquid medium into the rectum. Basti is especially good for vata disorders. It alleviates constipation, distention, chronic fever, the common cold, sexual disorders, kidney stones, heart pain, vomiting, backache, neck pain and hyper acidity. Such vata disorders as sciatica, arthritis, rheumatism, and gout can also be treated by Basti. There are about 80 vata related disorders in Ayurveda. About 80 percent of them can be treated with medicated enemas.
Since vata is mainly located in the colon and bones, the medication is administered rectally.
Type of Basti:
- Oil Enema or Nirhua Basti - 1/2 to 1 cup of warm sesame oil (for chronic constipation)
- Decoction enema or Anuvasana Basti (Herbal enema) - 1/2 cup of gotu kola or comfrey decoction with 1/2 cup of warm sesame oil
- Nutrition Enema - 1 cup of warm milk
Nasya(Nasal Administration)
This treatment involves inhaling vapor from medicinal herbs that have been infused in boiling water. It is used mostly to eliminate kapha-oriented problems, of ear, eyes, nose, and throat disorders such as migraine, sinusitis, catarrh, and bronchitis.
The nose is the gateway to the brain and to consciousness. Prana, or life energy, enters the body through breath taken in through the nose. Nasal administration of medication helps to correct the disorders of prana affecting the higher cerebral, sensory and motor functions.
Nasya is indicated for dryness of the nose, sinus congestion, hoarseness,migraine headache, convulsions and certain eye and ear problems.
Types of Nasya
Virechan (cleansing with use of powders or herbs)
Nutritional Nasya (for vata)
Sedative Nasya
Nasya decoctions
Ghee or oil Nasya
Nasal massage
Substances such as calamus powder, gotu kola, onion, garlic, black pepper, cayenne, ginger, ghee oil decoctions are used in Nasya. Nasal medication should not be administered after a bath, food, sex, drinking alcohol, during pregnancy, or menstruation.
Blood Letting (Rakta Moksha)
Blood letting is used to eliminate toxins that are absorbed into the bloodstream through the gastrointestinal tract. This process purifies the blood. It is used for disorders such as repeated attacks of skin disorders such as urticaria, rash, eczema, acne, scabies, leucoderma, chronic itching, and hives. It was also found effective for enlarged liver and spleen, and for gout.
Blood letting, which should only be administered by a qualified physician, is useful to relieve several pitta disorders such as acne and rash. If administered properly, it stimulates the antitoxic substances in the blood stream, thus developing the immune mechanism in the blood system.
Do not administer blood letting in cases of anemia, edema, weakness or to very old and very young persons.
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